Solar Italy

ContourGlobal owns 100% of eighteen PV solar energy plants in Italy with a gross capacity of 65 MW, each of which is connected to the Italian national energy grid and is operational. The Italian Solar Plants commenced operations between 2007 and 2013.

65 MW
  • Solar Italy - Sabaudia Teaser
    Solar Italy - Sabaudia

ContourGlobal has played a role in powering Italy’s rapidly developing solar market. Our solar sites commenced operations between 2007 and 2013 and provide between 1 MW and 6 MW (Sabaudia) of carbon-free generating capacity. Most our sites sell their output to the national grid, receiving a 20-year, fixed-price feed-in tariff.

At ContourGlobal, our innovation never slows. We have also expanded our relationship with Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company to supplement their revolutionary Quad-Gen and Tri-Gen heat-and-thermal plants (Nogara & Oricola) with solar photovoltaic rooftop panels. The panels provide additional generation capacity without adding a bit to the facilities’ already minimal carbon footprints.

  • ContourGlobal Solar Italy Monticchio
    Solar Italy - Monticchio
  • ContourGlobal Solar Italy Curbici
    Solar Italy - Curbici
  • Solar Italy Kaggio and Kaggio I
    Solar Italy - Kaggio and Kaggio I